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How Dangerous Is It To Climb The Top Of Kilimanjaro?

It is quite common for hikers curious about Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro peak to raise whether or not it’s dangerous to try to, therefore.

Like any outside journey activity, mounting a mountain that’s 19,341 feet tall positively has components of risk. However, it shouldn’t deter you from booking a visit for the Best Time To Trek Kilimanjaro. During this blog, we’ll examine however dangerous mounting mountain peak relies on past studies.

How many deaths occur on Mount Kilimanjaro?

  • It is tough to determine simply however dangerous it to climb a mountain peak as a result of the quantity of fatalities isn’t proverbial. Kilimanjaro Climbing Authority doesn’t unharnessed knowledge on Kilimanjaro connected deaths. The rationale is probably going that the govt. feels it’d negatively impact the business.
  • As per the report, the mortality was 13.6 deaths per 100,000 climbers. It declared that although hypoxia occurred often among climbers, fatal cases were rare.
  • A look into the autopsy reports unconcealed that there have been seventeen males and eight females. The ages ranged from twenty-nine to seventy-four. The report states that the deaths were results of High Altitude Cerebral lump (HACE) or High Altitude pneumonic lump (HAPE), pneumonia, trauma, and one from redness.

How to Keep Safe on Mountain Peak

What will a climber do to safeguard against being a statistic?

  • It’s essential to coach adequately for Climb Kilimanjaro. To be in nice form means that your body is going to be able to higher tolerate the consequences of altitude and exercise.
  • If you have got proverbial medical conditions or area unit of older age, you must see your doctor and obtain cleared for top altitude trekking. Being at high elevations will trigger health complications in people who have pre-existing conditions.
  • Each climber has to be accustomed to the everyday symptoms of hypoxia. Once you area unit on the mountain, be terribly honest concerning what you’re feeling that the guides will take corrective action.

Besides these, you must climb with a mountain peak operator that has guides that area unit medically trained to stay you safe.

Safety Practices for Climb Kilimanjaro

• Climb Kilimanjaro Guide area unit certified geographic area 1st Responders (WFR)

• Kilimanjaro Training and safety practices will be urbanized by IFREMMONT, a European-based high altitude medical coaching organization.

• Conduct doubly daily health checks employing a pulse measuring system and medical instrument to live pulse, temperature, and force per unit area and gas saturation

• Guides are a unit equipped with Garmin in Reach someone, a satellite communication device, for real-time location following and communication

• ALTOX Personal gas Systems that scale back the probability of hypoxia, area unit offered for rent

• Emergency gas on all climbs to combat serious cases of hypoxia

• carry a transportable stretcher to quickly evacuate climbers WHO area unit unable to run on their own

• carry tending kits to treat minor injuries like blisters, cuts, and abrasions

• initiate eggbeater evacuation through mountain peak Search & Rescue for severely harmed or sick climbers

The Health Checks Include

• Taking Body Temperature: we have a tendency to use Associate in Nursing infrared measuring instruments.

• Checking Blood Gas Saturation: a pulse measuring system that attaches to a finger to watch your blood gas saturation.

• Measuring Pulse Rate: pulse measuring system to conjointly live your heart rate.

• Taking Force Per Unit Area: a blood pressure monitor that’s hooked up to the wrist joint.

• Listening To Lungs: a medical instrument to pay attention to the healthy functioning of the lungs.

What Are Severe Types Of Acute Altitude Sickness (AMS)?

Acute Altitude Sickness (AMS), typically known as hypoxia, is an Associate in Nursing malady caused by ascent to a high altitude and therefore the ensuing shortage of gas. AMS is that the most wanted reason hikers return down off the mountain before they create the summit. The severe types of AMS that you simply ought to bear in mind are HAPE and HACE.

High Altitude Pneumonic Lump (HAPE)

What is High Altitude pneumonic lump (HAPE) and the way does one avoid it?

HAPE may be a grievous kind of non-cardiogenic pneumonic lump that is fluid accumulation within the lungs. This could occur in otherwise healthy mountaineers at altitudes generally higher than 8,200 feet. However, cases have conjointly been rumored at lower altitudes like four, 900–8,200 feet in extremely vulnerable subjects.

Studies haven’t been able to pinpoint what makes some folks vulnerable to HAPE. HAPE remains one of the main causes of death associated with high-altitude exposure. There’s high mortality if you are doing not get immediate treatment.

Symptoms of HAPE (You would like a minimum of two)

  • Shortness of breath at rest
  • Cough
  • Weakness or faded exercise performance
  • Chest tightness or congestion

In addition to:

  • Crackles or wheezy (while breathing) in a minimum of one respiratory organ field
  • Central blue complexion
  • Tachypnea (rapid breathing)
  • Tachycardia (rapid heart rate)

An individual’s condition to HAPE is tough to predict. The foremost reliable risk issue is that the previous condition to HAPE. Hikers with apnea can also be additional inclined thanks to irregular respiration patterns whereas sleeping at high altitudes. Studies have shown that HAPE happens in but 1% of Chronicles of climbers exposed to altitudes higher than 13,000 ft.

High Altitude Cerebral Lump (HACE)

Another risk climbers take is obtaining a High Altitude Cerebral lump (HACE). HACE may be a severe and typically fatal kind of hypoxia that results from the capillary fluid run. This is often thanks to the consequences of drive on the mitochondria-rich epithelium cells of the barrier.

Symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Loss of coordination (ataxia)
  • Weakness
  • Disorientation
  • Memory loss
  • Psychotic symptoms (hallucinations and delusions)
  • Coma

The cerebral lump may end up from brain trauma or no traumatic causes. These causes will vary from cerebrovascular accident, cancer, or brain inflammation thanks to infectious disease or inflammation


  • Pulse measuring system
  • Sphygmomanometer (blood pressure monitor)
  • Digital measuring instrument
  • Stethoscope
  • Portable stretcher
  • Oxygen bottle and mask
  • Portable Altitude Chamber (on Northern Circuit treks only)

First Aid Kit

  • Rolled gauze
  • Gauze bandages
  • First-aid cleansing pads
  • Butterfly strips
  • Iodine
  • Medical gloves
  • Paramedic sheers

If the requirement arises, and it doesn’t happen fairly often, guides will coordinate rescue and evacuation with alternative workers, the park service, or mountain peak Search & Rescue (helicopter service). Every trekking party carries an Associate in Nursing Garmin in Reach satellite communication device. It permits guides to induce in reality with the required parties from anyplace on the mountain. mountain peak SAR evacuation may be a service that provides to require harmed or sick climbers off the mountain once things area unit severe.


Rockfall is a very rare situation faced by few climbers during Climbing Mount KilimanjaroThe route having been accepted by the authorities, the security of climbers on the Western Breach is much from secure. A guide might not be briefed or trained by his company to stick to an intelligent rock fall turning away strategy, and to be honest, even a well-trained guide might encounter rockfall throughout the only a few seconds that a properly ready shopper might pay crossing the little re-entrants on the route sheer, within the most correct fashion. So, there’s positively no space to be blasé.

If you make sure you climb with somebody competent, avoid rockfall risk zones during Kilimanjaro Climbing, use associate showing intelligence organized route that comes with topography to the most effective pro-acclimatization effect, keep well hydrous, and do not rush, then truly, the risks concerned in rising Kilimanjaro square measure extremely terribly low.

For more Kilimanjaro Weather & Kilimanjaro Training contact us @ Kilele Climb
