Rubondo Island National Park

Rubondo Island National Park

The green pearl in blue waters

Rubondo Island National Park

Rubondo Island was gazetted officially as National Park in 1977. It is an important breeding ground for both migratory bird and fish species especially Tilapia and Nile perch as for a long time it stood to be the only area in the waters of Lake Victoria which was well protected and preserved.

The park is located on the southwestern corner of Lake Victoria in the Geita region about 150 km (95 miles) west of Mwanza. Lake Victoria is the second largest lake in the world. The park has 456.8 km2 of which 236.8 km2 is dry land and 220 km2 is water comprising 11 small islets of varying sizes.

About 80% of the park is covered by a dense forest thus providing a variety of habitats for indigenous wildlife such as Sitatunga, hippos, bushbucks, velvet monkeys, genet cats, crocodiles, bush pigs, etc sharing the ecological niches with the introduced species such as chimpanzees, elephants, giraffes, black and white colobus monkeys, suni and African grey parrots.

Info About Rubondo Island National Park

  • Area: 456.8 km2 of which 236.8 km2 is dry land and 220 km2 is water comprising 11 small islets of varying sizes.
  • Established: 1977
  • Location: Lake Victoria Region, Tanzania

How To Get There

Rubondo Island can be reached by Air Chatters and then boats to the park.

Best Time To Visit Park

The best time is from June through September and the wet season from November to March when wildflowers are flourishing and plentiful of butterflies

For bird watchers is from December to February when most migratory birds are nesting

Park attractions

The park is bestowed with magnificent attractions that tourists can enjoy these include a diversity of wildlife including elephants, giraffes, bushbucks, hippos, yellow-spotted otters, crocodiles, chimpanzees, and sitatunga, and offers the best fish breeding sites. other attractions are birds diversity with more than 400 species of nesting birds resides the park. The grey parrot, introduced in 2000 when 34 birds were rescued from illegal trade, is a spectacular newcomer. Another noisy specimen is the African fish eagle.


Currently being habituated – few Chimps are now used for tourism Habituation Experience (CHEX). One can travel by car to Chimps’ areas and join the chimps’ habituation crew and be a part of habituation.

Other mammals:

Other mammals that are frequently seen are Giraffes, Hippopotamus, Sported necked Otter, Bushbucks, and Velvet Monkeys. Colobus monkeys, Genet Cats, Marsh Mongoose, Suni, and Elephants

Magnificent view of evergreen dense primary lowland Congolese forest

More than 80% of Rubondo Island National Park is covered by an intense primary lowland Congolese forest. Thus providing a variety of wildlife habitats sharing similar ecological niches such as elephants, giraffes, chimpanzees, black & white colobus monkeys, Suni, African grey parrots, etc.

Variety of water birds at Birds’ Island: 

RINP is one of the sites with the highest density and concentration of Birds in Tanzania. Also, RINP provides the best habitat for birds migrating between the southern and northern hemispheres.


Variety of Reptiles: Reptiles such as snakes (pythons), monitor lizards, and crocodiles: Are reptiles that are found in the park but some are rarely seen. Most reptiles maintain their body temperature by absorbing heat from their surroundings and have bodies that change accordingly to the local atmosphere which means they cannot control their own body temperature


Sport Fishing

It is the most exciting recreational activity in which there is a great possibility of getting a big catch to make a wonderful and challenging record of catches among others.

Boat Excursions

one can view the spectacular beauty of the island, beaches, variety of water birds, crocodiles, amongst the deepest point in the Lake Victoria “Irumo”, hippos, otters, and plants species along the shores as well as enjoy the cool lake breeze.

Walking Safaris

(Short and long) up to 4 hrs and above depending on the requests – One can enjoy seeing animals such as sun, mongoose, genet cats, monkeys, bush pigs, sitatunga, bushbucks, etc. Also, reptiles, or birds, viewing the lake & shores, etc.

Game Viewing

Chimps Habituation Experience 

43 km tourist trails

The park visitors use 18 km of designated trails for short and long walk safaris and 25 km for Chimpanzees habituation Experience (CHEX) both leading tourists to different attractions and recreational sites in the park.

Mahale Mountains National Park

Mahale Mountains National Park

The magical Chimps trekking Paradise

Mahale Mountains National Park

On the shores of Lake Tanganyika, the oldest and deepest lake in the world lies a pristine and remote park; the Mahale National Park which holds and protects the largest known population of chimpanzees, the jungle, and the mountains.

Visiting the park is a gratifying experience as you have a chance to carry a game drive, chimp-trekking, hiking, snorkeling, and bird watching.

The establishment of this Park was a reflection of the government’s commitment to preserving the chimpanzee population as well as an emulation of the efforts by Japanese researchers who pioneered conducting research on primates including chimpanzees.

Info About Mahale Mountains National Park

  • Area: 1,613 km² /623mi²
  • Established: 1985
  • Location: Kigoma Region, Tanzania
  • Distance: From Kigoma town the park can be accessed by road 128km/80mi (5hrs drive) south, the road running south-east of Lake Tanganyika shore

Getting there

The park can be accessed throughout the year by road, water, and air.

Park Attractions

Mahale Mountains National Park is famous for chimpanzees, However, there are other attractions like Lake Tanganyika which is the second oldest freshwater lake in the world, the second-largest by volume, and the second deepest in all cases after lake Baikal in Siberia. Other attractions include beautiful varieties of waterfalls like Ntale, Kasiha, and Sansa, wild animals like warthogs, mountains, and sand beaches.

The chimps

The chimps are always seen in the forest jumping from one branch to another, from one tree to another and other times on the ground playing, grooming, and eating.

Lake Tanganyika

This longest and deepest lake in the world with magnificent views of the shores provides a unique visitor experience, especially when carrying snorkeling or resting on the shores while watching aquatic birds and at sundown, the red sky takes a thousand words.

Sand Beaches

The shores of Lake Tanganyika have a beautiful unspoiled beach

Mahale Mountain

It takes about 5hours to reach the top and during the hike, one can spot different wildlife which makes your journey unforgettable.

Ujiji Historical site

Ujiji is the oldest town in western Tanzania, located about 6 miles (10 km) south of Kigoma also known as Kavele. This was an Arabic settlement during the slave trade, that used to be the terminus for the old caravan route from the coast.

Ujiji has also historical significance for explorers, it is a place where Burton and Speke first reached the shore of Lake Tanganyika in 1858. And the place where Dr living stone met Stanley in 1871, a monument known as Dr. living stone memorial has been constructed to commemorate the meeting. there is a slave route near the market.

Near the shore of Lake Tanganyika lies an ancient and traditional fishing market. At night when the lake is relatively calm, visitors may enjoy the romantic site of the softly lit lake.


Mahale Mountains National Park has activities that give visitors opportunities to enjoy its beauty. The Park will give opportunities to do Chimp trekking, Walking safari, Boat cruising, Sport fishing, and Mountain hiking.

Chimp trekking

The chimpanzee trekking takes visitors on a wild adventure through the hazy forest. Sighting can vary from 30 minutes for the first sightings to up to 3 hours.

 Walking safari

Mahale is not just about chimpanzee-trekking; it offers the perfect balance of wildlife viewing where animals like roan and sable antelope and mongoose is easily seen and also sometimes lion and leopard. The park offers short and long walks in the network of strategically positioned natural trails which provide a wide range of choices to visitors.

Boat cruising

This activity enables visitors to get a chance to view the spectacular beauty of the lake and lakeshore full of beautiful beaches, water birds, crocodiles, hippos, otters, and plant species along the shores while enjoying the cool breeze from the lake.

Sport fishing 

This thrilling recreational activity is conducted in Lake Tanganyika, in which there is a great possibility of getting a big catch.

Mountain hiking

The highest point of the park; Kungwe peak with an elevation of 2,462m/8,077ft a.s.l provides visitors with a unique sense of physical challenge when climbing the peak. It takes about 7–9 hours to and fro from the peak. 

Gombe National Park

Gombe National Park

Home to the Chimpanzee

Welcome to Gombe National Park

There are truly wild places in Tanzania, Gombe National Park is one of them. The nature value of Gombe was noticed in 1943 when it was designated as a game reserve. Gombe gained its popularity after the pioneering research activities of Dr. Jane Goodall in 1960 which is believed to be the longest-running study of primates in the world.

Conservation status was upgraded to that of a National Park in 1968 and opened for tourism in 1978 after chimpanzees habituated to human visitors.

It is located 16 km north of Kigoma town on the shores of the world’s second deepest Lake Tanganyika in western Tanzania with an area of 56 square kilometers.

Info About Gombe National Park

  • Area: 35 km² (14 sq. Mi)
  • Established: 1968
  • Location: Kigoma Region, Tanzania

How to get there

We recommend using Charter a flight from Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, or Arusha. 

Park Attractions

Gombe wilderness is worth a year-round visit; enabling you to cruise along part of the historical inquisitiveness way back in the 19th century when Livingstone and Stanley searched the source of the River Nile. The rainy season is the best chimpanzee sporting while the green vegetation blooms providing an astonishing scenic view and waterfalls are at the best (November to Mid- May) while the dry season provides a chance for the best photo-taking, short and long hikes (May to October).

Wild Animals

Gombe has abundant and diverse wildlife animals. Habitat preferences and seasonal food cycles determine in a general sense where a particular animal may be at a particular time (esp chimpanzee). Although Gombe chimpanzees are a favorite among wildlife watchers that come to the Park, there are several notable animals.

Reptiles and Amphibians

Gombe is attractive to herpetologists and other scholars as it harbors provides dozens of reptilian and amphibian species, some of which are endemic to the Park.

Kakombe and Mkenke waterfall

Besides the incredible wildlife experience, you can head out to the Kakombe trail and Mkenke valley and explore the gorgeous natural Kakombe and Mkenke waterfalls.

Lake Tanganyika

African great Lake is one of the attractions in Gombe National Park. This is the longest and deepest lake in Africa and the second deepest lake in the world.

Bird’s Life

Gombe is also home to numerous birds. Over 200 bird species fly around, varying from the iconic fish eagle, three kinds of kingfishers, and the bright Peters twinspots. Another remarkable character is the palm vulture, a near vegetarian common to Lake Tanganyika that prefers fruits over carcasses. They usually stay in their blotch of forest since food is abundant throughout the year and occasionally venture into an open area. 


Gombe National Park is a place to capture lots of memorable experiences, ranging from getting a view of the clear waters of Lake Tanganyika to exploring the dense tropical rainforests. You can take a trail for a deep forest hike with great chances of bird watching, butterfly gazing and sightseeing at Jane’s peak, mountain hiking to the waterfalls and large populations of the shy, social African great apes make Gombe National Park a popular destination for exciting moments of chimp trekking. Furthermore, the Lake offers an expansive area for sports fishing, snorkeling, kayaking, and swimming.

Chimpanzee trekking

The chimpanzee’s trekking is the main activity at Gombe National Park. These remarkable mammals, habituated to human visitors, were made famous by the pioneering work of Jane Goodall, who in 1960 founded a research program that now stands as the longest-running study of its kind in the world.

Boat cruise

Tourists hire a tourist boat and just move about in Lake Tanganyika to view its tourist attractions and leisure-taking activities. A boat cruise is an amazing experience—you can choose a luxury boat or an ordinary speedboat, depending on your budget—for it allows you to feel Lake Tanganyika’s breeze while savoring a view of the Great Rift Valley escarpment.

Walking Safari

Short walks along the shores of Lake Tanganyika or to Waterfalls.

Mountain hiking

There are magnificent views of the mountains of the Rift escarpment falling westwards into the lake. The undulating terrain, valleys and the mosaic forest, woodland, and grassland provide visitors with a varied attractive landscape.

Butterfly gazing

Butterflies are the most colorful, striking, and silent beauty of the forest among the smaller creatures in the Gombe forest. The estimated total butterfly of Gombe is 400-500 species.


Gombe is a hotspot for filming. 


Kayaking is one of the water sports activities conducted in Gombe National Park.

Sport Fishing

This activity is done for pleasure also known as a catch and release; it is done when the Lake weather is Calm. The crew is experienced in all disciplines of fishing. Well-equipped sports fishing boats and informed crews will ensure your absolute enjoyment out on Lake Tanganyika water.

Snorkeling and diving

Gombe National Park has a tranquil beach. Water sports activities such as snorkeling and diving will add value to your visit. Lake Tanganyika offers a whole other world to explore under the water. Gombe is a remarkable place for snorkeling and diving. Shielded by hills, the waters here are calm, clear, and rich with colorful life that leaves a lasting impression.

This activity is conducted for 3hours within the lake.

Katavi National Park

Katavi National Park

Discover the Untouched Wildness

Katavi National Park

Katavi National Park is found in the western part of Tanzania, it was formerly a game reserve; the park was established in 1974. It was originally 1,823km2 in 1997 it was extended to 4,471km2.

The park is located 40km south of Mpanda town, being Tanzania’s third-largest national park, after Ruaha and Serengeti.

Info About Katavi National Park

  • Area: 4,471km2
  • Established: 1974
  • Distance Travel Time: From either Dar es Salaam via Mbeya (1513Km), Dar es Salaam via Tabora (1392km), Arusha via Tabora (1015.7km) or Mwanza via Tabora – Inyonga (741 km).


Park’s climate is classified as tropical. The average temperature is 24.6 °C. In a year, the average rainfall is 1139 mm. Precipitation is the lowest in June, with an average of 0 mm. Precipitation is the lowest in June, with an average of 0 mm. With an average of 231 mm, the most precipitation falls in December. At an average temperature of 26.2 °C, October is the hottest month of the year. July has the lowest average temperature of the year. It is 22.7 °C.


The park is endowed with various tourism activities that visitors can do during their visit. The activities include; Nature Walking Safaris (Short Walking Safaris), Long Walking Safaris) Filming, Camping, Birding, Night Game Drive, Hiking, and Game Viewing.

Long walking safari (Chorangwa Hiking Trail)

Long walking safari (Chorangwa Hiking Trail) It takes more than five hours walking, more than 10kms long.

Short walking safari (Sitalike Walking Trail)

Short walking safari (Sitalike Walking Trail) that ranges from 1-9kms Long, takes more than three hours.


Katavi offers an outstanding diversity of birdlife, it has more than 450 species of birds, ranging from turkey-sized group hornbills to the tiny sunbirds.


Walking through trails to a waterfall It is being practiced in Katavi National Park, 17 Kms walking Trails to an elevated point where it will be easy to view Waterfalls including Chorangwa, Lukima, and Ndido waterfalls within the parks.

Night Game Drive

Night game drives the activity conducted during the night, using open vehicles and special spotlights to observe nocturnal or active animals during the night’ and their behavior. It gives an opportunity to see the range of animals which are generally unseen during the day.