Udzungwa Mountains National Park

Udzungwa Mountains National Park

World Biodiversity Hot spots

Udzungwa Mountains National Park

Udzungwa Mountains National Park was established in 1992 and officially opened by the former President and founder of WWF (World Wildlife Fund for Nature) Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. The word “Udzungwa” comes from the word “Wadsungwa” referring to one of the native sub-tribes of the “Hehe” people who once lived on the slopes of the mountains.

The park covers an area of 1990km2 where geographically, 20% of the total area lies in the Morogoro region while the remaining 80% is in the southern highland region of Iringa.

Info About Udzungwa Mountains National Park

  • Area: 1,990 km² / 770 mi²
  • Established: 2005
  • Location: Morogoro & Iringa Regions, Tanzania
  • Distance & Drive time: Dar es Salaam 380km/236mi takes about a 7-hour drive.

How To Get There

By road network from Dar es Salaam (380km) as well as Arusha, Kilimanjaro and Mbeya. There are two airstrips Msolwa and Kilombero which can be used by tourists through air transport before they connect using hired vehicles to the park’s main gate.

Best Time for Park Visit

Dry season (June – September) and wet season (November – March) when wildflowers are flourishing and plentiful of butterflies. For bird watchers, December – February is their best time as most migratory birds are nesting in the park.

Park Attractions

These are places of interest inside the park, where tourists can visit, typically for their inherent or exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significance, and natural or built beauty, offering leisure, adventure, and amusement.


The park has a lot of natural waterfalls as river streams are flowing producing fascinating sounds in the heavy forest.

Natural trails for hiking

The Park offers the chance to go summit the highest peaks of Luhomero and Mwanihana. The activity can best be carried out throughout the year, but the dry season is the most convenient time for most mountain climbers.

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles and Amphibians with the endemic Udzungwa lizards (Cnemaspis Udzungwae) and Phrynobatrachus Udzungwensis together with endemic chameleon (Bearded pygmy chameleon).

Tropical Rain forest

Tropical Rainforest with 2500 different plant species including three endemic plants and 160 plant species of medicinal value.

Sanje Crested Mangabey and Iringa Red Colobus Monkeys

Eleven primate species with two being endemic (Sanje Crested Mangabey and Iringa Red Colobus Monkeys).


The park has various tourism activities that visitors can do during their stay. These activities include; Mountain Climbing to the highest Peaks of Mwanihana (2500m/8202ft AMSL) and Luhomero (2576m/8451ft AMSL), Bird Watching, Swimming, Nature Walks in the Forest and Waterfalls, Picnicking, Filming, Cycling (Organized by the Park and carried outside the Park), Camping and Cultural Tourism.

Mountain Climbing

Mountain climbing – Offers the chance to go summit the highest peaks of Luhomero and Mwanihana. The activity can best be carried out throughout the year, but the dry season is the most convenient time for most mountain climbers.

Bird watching

Bird Watching – Done along all trails, roads, and entire forest where most bird species (native and migratory) depending on seasonal variations, availability of food and materials for nesting can be seen. The endemic Udzungwa Forest Partridge and Rufous Winged Sunbird can be seen through specific details of their location and behavior provided by the park guides.

Photographing and Filming

It is also the most recreational activity that can be done throughout the year, the best quality photos and films require a silent and calm environment (out of human activities if it is all about nature) thence in all cases, the activities are recommended. During short rains, photographic safaris can be more exciting in the park as it is the time when wildflowers flourish and there is an abundance of butterflies. Moreover, most migratory birds can be seen during this time which is between December and February.

Nyerere National Park

Nyerere National Park

The Land of the Mighty Rufiji

Nyerere National Park

This is Africa’s Largest National Park! The Park with a staggering size of 30,893km2/11,927mi² host one of the world’s largest concentration of wildlife. The collection of wildlife both in diversity and abundance is just remarkable! Visitors to this vast sanctuary will be able to see the astounding volume of wildlife both rare and common species.

The park hosts the famous ‘’Big Five’’ and some rare species of antelopes like Roan Antelope, Brindled Gnu, Lichtenstein hartebeest, roan, and sable antelopes, Kudu, etc.!

Info About Nyerere National Park

  • Area: 30,893 km² /11,927mi²
  • Established: 2019
  • Location: Morogoro Region, Tanzania
  • Distance & Drive Time: Dar es salaam to Nyerere National Park is about 250km/155mi via Kibiti


The Park experiences a bimodal rainfall season and the short rains fall in November and December and are followed by a partial drying out in January and February. Thereafter, the long rains follow ending in early May. It is located at an altitude between 100 and 400 meters.

Getting there

The Park can be accessed by road or air

Air: There are regular flights from Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro, and Arusha to a number of small airstrips in the Park.

Park Attractions

Nyerere National Park has numerous attractions that visitors to the place can enjoy. Some of the best attractions in the Park include the ability to see the big Five, Large concentrations of elephants, and Hippos. The Rufiji River is full of abundant wildlife, the Largest population of African wild dogs to mention but a few. The Park is also endowed with beautiful and scenic landscapes that add to the beauty of this majestic place.

The Rufiji River, Myriad oxbows, delta, and Lakes

The Rufiji is East Africa’s largest river. It flows through the northern part of the Park, and this river which is slow-moving and wide, has created a number of oxbow lakes in its northern flood plains, and they create a beautiful landscape of plains and woodlands interspersed with expanses of water.  

The might Rufiji with its renowned population of hippos and crocodiles flows to the Indian ocean. The river has been designated as a photographic zone and is popular for tourists.

Large Populations of African Wild dogs

African Hunting Dogs are thriving, unlike most of those elsewhere on the continent. In fact, the park has the last true stronghold for African hunting dogs in Africa. While this species is highly endangered and seen in few areas, Nyerere gives visitors a chance to see them.

Highest Concentration of Hippos and Crocodile

Rufiji River in Nyerere National Park is home t plenty of hippos and Nile crocodiles.

Diverse birdlife

In Nyerere National Park, bird life is diverse and abundant. More than 440 species of birds have been recorded! These species are found in sandbanks, oxbow lakes and channels are home to these species. The rare species of peel’s fishing owls and white-backed heron live in the wooded section of the riverbank.

Continent Largest Population of Elephants

The largest concentration of elephants on the continent has been known for taking home in this park. 

Rare Species of Antelopes

Apart from being very famous for elephants, rhinos, and hippopotamus, Nyerere has also a vast range of game including brindled gnu, Nyasaland gnu, sable antelope, eland, greater kudu, waterbuck, hartebeest, zebras, giraffe, reedbuck, warthog, spotted hyena, lion, leopard, hunting dog, in addition to the largest populations of buffalo in Africa.


Nyerere National Park has some activities that give visitors opportunities to enjoy its beauty. The Park will give opportunities to do walking safaris, Game Viewing by vehicles as well as Unforgettable boat trips along the mighty Rufiji.


Watching wildlife from the water is a beautiful and different way of game viewing. Crocodiles and hippos abound and elephants, waterbuck, and buffalo spend a lot of time near the water, but a mass of other game including birds will be seen.

Game Drives

Game driving along the numerous small tracks is a popular way of enjoying the wildlife.

Walking safaris and fly camping

Guided walking safaris with overnight stays in lightweight fly camps are popular.

Mikumi National Park

Mikumi National Park

Wildlife at a Glance

Welcome to Mikumi National Park

As accessible as it is, Mikumi is the most appealing Park for a safari. This Park will give you a true taste of an African safari while preserving your precious time.

The Park has a variety of wildlife that can be easily seen. Its closeness to Dar makes it an ideal place for weekend visitors who don’t have to spend a long time on an extended safari itinerary.

The park derives its name from a palm tree called Borassus palm which once grew there and covers an area of 3,230km2

Info About Mikumi National Park

  • Area: 3,230 km² (1,250 sq. Mi)
  • Established: 1964              
  • Location: Morogoro Region, Tanzania
  • Distance & Drive time: 283km/175mi from Dar es salaam and 118km/73mi from Morogoro town


The Park experiences a bi-modal rainfall season with short rains starting from October to early November and long rains from March to May and the dry season is from late June to September.

Getting there

The Park can be accessed by road or air

Air. Scheduled flights from all the main centers in Tanzania but often routing via Dar-es-salaam.

Park attractions

The Park harbors fascinating attractions most notably the Hippo pools that provide close access to the mud-loving beasts and bird watching. Zebra, wildebeest, impala, and buffalo are found on the grassy plains.


The park has many wildlife-like buffalos, Lions, Zebra, Giraffes, and Elephants. Giraffes are often seen browsing leaves from the isolated acacia trees that fringe the Mkata River. Also, the greater Kudu and sable antelope can be found in the miombo woodland-covered foothills of the mountain that rise from the Park boundaries.


The Mkata plain is a great place for birding. Mikumi boasts a respectful 400 species of birds with the most common ones being the black-bellied bustards, guinea fowls, marabou storks, bateleur eagles, ox peckers, colorful lilac-breasted rollers, and yellow-throated long claw.


  • Game Drive
  • Night Game drive
  • Bird watching
  • Walking safari
  • Filming and Photographing

Ruaha National Park

Ruaha National Park

Explore the Wondering Nature

Ruaha National Park

It is the second-largest National Park, covering an area of 20,226 sq. km/12,567 sq. mi located in south-central Tanzania.

During the dry season, when game viewing is at its best, animals are drawn to the Great Ruaha River and other water sources.

The name Ruaha was derived from the hehe word called ”Luhava” meaning the great river.

Info About Ruaha National Park

  • Size: 20,226 sq.km/ 12,567 sq. mi    
  • Established: 1964
  • Distance & Travel Time:  From Iringa town, it is 108km/67mi to the main gate (Y-junction), 625km/338mi from Dar es Salaam and 480km/298mi from Mbeya City.


Ruaha National Park enjoys only one rainy season, usually from the end of November to May with annual average rainfall ranging from 500 to 800mm. The park is located at an altitude between 750 and 1868 meters.

Getting there

The park is accessible by road and air.

Road. From Iringa town it is 108km to the main gate (Y-junction), 625Km from Dar es Salaam and 480Km from Mbeya City.

Air. Daily flights from Dar es Salaam and Arusha are the easiest way to Ruaha. Airstrips are located at Msembe and Jongomero. Coastal Aviation, Auric Air, and Safari Link all have scheduled flights to Ruaha.

Park Attractions

Not only does Ruaha enjoy abundant wildlife, but the magnificent and constantly changing landscapes add a magical touch to the whole experience. Baobabs dot the rocky hillsides, the cool green shade along the River, and the open grassy plains, all make a wonderful and exciting trip.

Wild Animals

This is the place where you can see both Lesser and Greater Kudu because it is the southernmost limit for Lesser Kudu in the African continent.

It is also possible to see, Sable and Roan antelope, Lichtenstein’s Hartebeest, Topi, and both Southern and Bohor reedbuck, and it is the southernmost limit of Grants Gazelle.

In addition to this, Ruaha boasts a healthy population of Wild Dogs, Leopard, Lions, Cheetah, Buffalo, and elephants, not to mention all the other species, of which there are plenty.


With 574 species recorded in Ruaha, it is difficult to visit this beautiful Park and not be impressed by the number and variety of birds you see.

Baobab ”Upside down tree”

The park is known for having baobab trees scattered all over the park. During the dry season, the baobab trees shed leaves, leaving only bare branches that resemble roots. Therefore, people nicknamed it a “roots up tree”.

The Great Ruaha River

”The life of Ruaha” and one of the main attractions for many tourists.


Various activities are available in the park, such as day and night game drive, walking safari, cultural tourism, bird watching, star gazing, and balloon safari.

Walking Safari

This activity takes you closer to nature as it provides a chance of tracking animals by their footprints, stop to admire birdlife in the trees, and watch smaller creatures and their behaviors.

Night game drive

A night drive gives you the opportunity to see Ruaha like never before with a chance of seeing nocturnal wildlife and predators when they are more active

Filming and Photographing

The Park makes it the best place for professional filming and photographing

Balloon safari

Experience hot air balloon safaris and enjoy spectacular aerial game viewing and remarkable landscapes

Cultural and Historical sites

The Mkwawa Museum, Isimila Stone age site and natural pillar, Mapenza grave, Nyanywa, Ganga la Mafunyo, and Idinda rock painting will add unforgettable story tales on your visit.

Kitulo National Park

Kitulo National Park

The Gods’ Garden

Kitulo National Park

The history of the park goes back to 1870, when Fredrick Elton, an Explorer visited the area. In the 1960s a large area was taken by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization for Wheat and Sheep Schemes. Since neither wheat nor sheep thrived in the area, in 1972 the area was turned into a dairy farm, which remains active to date.

As a result of concerns from conservation bodies and various stakeholders, part of the farm, Livingstone, and Nhumbe Forest Reserves were declared as Kitulo National Park on the 16th of September 2005.

Info About Kitulo National Park

  • Area: 412.9 sq. km/159.4 sq. mi
  • Established: 2005
  • Located: Njombe Region, Tanzania
  • Distance & Drive time:  From Mbeya city-Isyonje- Kitulo is 70 km/43mi: Mbeya city-Chimala-Kitulo is 103km/64mi: Njombe town-Ikonda-makete-Kitulo 165km/102mi


The climate is influenced by altitude, Lake Nyasa, and is largely temperate. The maximum daily temperature varies from 14.5°c to 18°c and the minimum ambient temperature ranges from 7°c to 8°c between December and April and can go as low as 0.5˚c from June to August, during this period frost occurs. The average annual rainfall is 1600mm ranging from 1500 – 1700mm. The rain season begins from October to May.

How to get there

The park can be accessed from Mbeya town, which is about 110km/68mi away via Chimala road and 70km/43mi via Isyonje road. It is about 90km/55mi from Songwe Airport. The park can only be reached by road.

 By Air: Through Songwe Airport; 90km/55mi via Isyonje and 125km/77mi via Chimala small town to Kitulo.

Songwe airport is an airport in the southern highlands region of Tanzania serving the city of Mbeya and the nearby regions. It is able to accommodate commercial jet traffic.

Park Attractions inside the Park

These are places of interest inside the park, where you can visit, typically for their inherent or exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, offering leisure, adventure, and amusement.

The Park has vast expanses of rolling upland grassland, rounded hills stretching away to the horizon, waterfalls, rivers, and a crater lakes.

Kitulo Plateau

The plateau is characterized by three main vegetation types:

  • Well-drained grassland on volcanic soils with species like Aster transgenesis, Kniphofia Grantii, and others.
  • Seasonally or permanently in updated bogs with species such as Lobelia and Gladiolus.
  • Rocky ridges and associated talus slopes on soil derived from metamorphic rocks with species like Moraea Callista and Romulea companuloides.


The park is one of the great flower gardens in the world with over 40 species of ground orchids alone. Flowers come out in their thousands making unparalleled carpets of color, especially from late November to April.

Mount Livingstone Forest

Some of the tree species in the forest are Hagenia abyssinica, Ocotea usambarensis, Juniperus procera, and Khaya anthoceca. The forest is also characterized by mountain Bamboo, (Sinarundinaria Alpina). Kitulo is rich in flora species with 350 species of high plants recorded, including 45 species of terrestrial Orchids, of which 31 species are endemic to Tanzania, 16 are endemic to Kitulo and Poroto Mountain sand at least 3 species are endemic to Kitulo national park. Two species are only known to be in Kitulo and adjoining forests. The abundance of plants in the wet season has been described as the greatest flora marvel of the World.


Kitulo National Park is an important bird area (IBA) with wintering site for various bird species from South Africa and Europe. Some species from North Africa, Abdim’s stock in particular use Kitulo as a wintering area. The plateau is also home to breeding colonies of Blue swallow and Denham’s bustard. Other endemic bird species include Lesser kestrel, Pallid Harrier, Cisticola njombe, Kipengere Seedeater, and Uhehe fiscal. A number of waterbirds can be found at Dhambwe Crater Lake. These are Yellow-billed duck, White-faced whistling ducks, Common teal, Open-billed stocks, and Red-knobbed coot.

Nhumbe Valley

This is often referred to as the jewel of the Park, where small streams emerge from the grassy hillsides sometimes cascading down into little waterfalls, thus forming the head waterfall for Nhumbe river, one of the main tributaries of the Great Ruaha River. The gap in the valley is occupied by Juniper forest, one of the most extensive in East Africa. The tower to 50 m high and is indeed the tallest juniper in the world.

Nhumbe Waterfall

Its height is approximately 100 meters. The waterfall is 20 km from Mwakipembo main gate and takes one hour to walk down the waterfall and up to the picnic site. You can cool your body there and take brilliant photos.

Mwakipembo Waterfall

It is located along the road to Nhumbe valley 4 km from mwakipembo main gate, its height is 8 meters. The area is characterized by orchid flowers, everlasting flowers, Erica plants, and Clematopsis uhehensis.


The Park provides a variety of accommodations that are found inside and outside the park. Beautiful public and special camping grounds are available inside the park.

Mwakipembo Public Campsite

Mwakipembo Public Campsite with a campfire, flush toilet, shower, and camping ground. Booking is not required.

Maua Special Campsite

Maua Special campsite is in its natural environment reserved to maintain exclusivity for users. Prior booking is required.

Accommodation Outside the Park

Good guests and Lodges at Matamba small town (Zebra guest house, God’s Garden Hotel, Eden Motel, Mama Izengo guest, Mtanganyika, and Rena Blumen Lodge) provide good accommodation to visitors. However, three Star Hotels are found in nearby Mbeya City.


The park is endowed with various tourism activities that visitors can do during their visit. The activities include; Hiking, Nature Walking Safaris (Short Walking Safaris (SWS)), Long Walking Safaris (LWS), Picnicking, Bird Viewing, Camping, Filming, and Cycling (MB). 

Take one of the many walking trails that we have customized so that you can explore our park and nature along Nhumbe forest with good habitat for over 50-meter trees, black and white colobus monkeys, and waterfalls. On mount Livingstone ranges and grassland plain there are very interesting trails for flowers, hikers, and forest lovers.

  • Nhumbe walking trail (1 – 3hrs)
  • Matamba ridge (4 – 10hrs walk)
  • Kipunji hiking trail takes (8 -12hrs)
  • Kilasi hiking trail takes (3 – 6hrs)
  • A bamboo hiking trail takes (3 – 6hrs)
  • Ikubo hiking trail takes (3 – 6hrs)

Also, there is a Trail from Ipelele to Matema Beach- Lake Nyasa that takes you a couple of days.

Game viewing

Explore game drive along Matamba ridge, montane grassland, bamboo forest, and Mt. Livingstone trees, waterfalls, and around the natural flower garden. Four-wheel (4X4) drive vehicles are recommended.

Nhumbe trail (Short walking safari)

The safari starts from Nhumbe picnic site, then descends to the waterfall base through very steep built steps, and ascends back to the picnic site, taking two hours (2hrs) walking.

Matamba Ridge (Long walking safari)

The safari starts from mwakipembo campsite, then hikes to matamba ridge and descends to mlivili cave, it takes six hours (6hrs) walking. Walking to matamba ridge route gives a nice scenery vision of grassland plains and horizons.